Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Font Configuration

Bentley Advanced Map Finishing allows you to map a MicroStation font number to a PostScript font type and definition. This data is saved in the file defined by the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing configuration variable CS_FONTS.

Different mapping files can be created and then used by changing the value in CS_FONTS via the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Configuration dialog. This means different DGN files can have the same fonts printed in different ways.

Bentley Advanced Map Finishing prints text written in MicroStation fonts depending on the chosen type of PostScript fonts.

  • Resident - These fonts are available in all PostScript printers. They are quick to use and provide high quality output.

  • PFB File - A PostScript Font Binary file contains PostScript font definitions in the same format as resident fonts. These files are included in the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing plot file.

  • Stroked - MicroStation text is copied as lines and shapes. This type produces poorer quality text but is useful when printing symbols and other special characters.

In addition, Bentley Advanced Map Finishing fonts can have different functions. This refers to how high ASCII characters are printed.

  • None - Standard high ASCII characters. See Font Libraries.

  • Accent - Accent characters. See Accented Characters.

  • Fraction - Fraction characters. See Fraction Characters.

Font Configuration is performed using the Bentley Advanced Map Finishing Fonts dialog which provides settings to establish the mapping of MicroStation fonts to PostScript fonts.